Remind App Information

If you are not already familiar with Remind, it is a communication tool that makes it easy to stay involved with your child’s school and our district. Remind is free to use, and you can receive and send messages on any device – even a simple text from your phone.
At the District Level:
At the district level, we are using Remind to send student attendance notifications, emergency notifications, snow day/delay notifications, and general messages from the district or superintendent (For community members not part of our student information system (no children enrolled in the district), we also launched a Remind "Community School" for snow day / delay alerts, CPP announcements. For information on that process click on this link.
At the School Level:
At the school level, principals may use Remind for weekly messages or reminders. They also can use it for emergency notifications. Principals also may continue to use SchoolTool email as a communication tool.
At the Classroom Level:
At the classroom level, teachers have the option to use Remind or continue to use their current tools such as Google Classroom, SchoolTool email and phone calls.
Remind Accounts For All:
Official accounts have been created and may be used district wide for educators, families and students age 13 and older. Coaches, club advisors, principals and teachers may use the tool to communicate with students. For example, a coach can use the tool to communicate a schedule change to their team and families. A club may use it to communicate a change in meeting time and location.
You should have received an email or text message from Remind Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022 (if you did not have an account yet). All you need to do is follow the steps in the message to finish setting up your account. We also encourage you to check out this family guide for tips on how to use Remind. The invite was sent to the email and phone number we have on record with your school.
Note: Teachers who decide to use this tool will create and manage their Remind classrooms. Again, teachers may use other tools instead of Remind to communicate with you, such as Google Classroom. If a teacher or coach uses Remind, you will receive a Classroom Code from them.
Here is a video link with more information on Remind.
If you would prefer to receive messages from CPP in another language, be sure to set your preferred language in Remind.
We’re excited to use Remind to make connecting with your family more engaging!
For more information on CPP Communications visit our Communications page