Vacancies are published each Thursday
Full Time:
Teaching Assistant 1:1 - MS, 33.75 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24159
Teaching Assistant Special Ed - SE, 32.5 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24186
Part Time:
Teaching Assistant Classroom - EV, 15 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24157
Teaching Assistant Classroom - SE, 15 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24171
Teaching Assistant 1:1 - CS, 28.75 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24167
Teaching Assistant 1:1 - SE, 28.75 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24119
Teaching Assistant Bldg. Assigned - MS, 28.75 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24058
Teaching Assistant Bldg. Assigned - MS, 28.75 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24172
Full Time:
Senior Typist, Provisional or Currently Hold Title – GR, 37.5 hours per week, 12 months, Vacancy #24190
Senior Typist, Provisional or Currently Hold Title – PPS, 37.5 hours per week, 12 months, Vacancy #24191
Typist, Provisional or Currently Hold Title – PPS, 37.5 hours per week, 12 months, Vacancy #24178
Cleaner, 1st Shift (Grounds Crew) - CWS, 40 hours per week, 12 months, Vacancy # 24180
Head Bus Driver - CBG, 40 hours per week, 12 months, Vacancy #24188
Bus Driver - CBG, 40 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24162
Bus Driver - CBG, 40 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24120
Part Time:
Teacher Aide - HS, 35 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24109
Teacher Aide - HS, 33.75 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy # 24183
Teacher Aide - HS, 15 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy # 24005
Teacher Aide 1:1 - CR, 28.75 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy # 24182
Teacher Aide 1:1 - EV, 15 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24176
Teacher Aide 1:1 - MS, 35 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24177
Teacher Aide 1:1 - SE, 30 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24124
Teacher Aide 2:1 - SE, 30 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24108
Personnel March 13, 2025
School Monitor - SE, 12.5 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24144
School Monitor - SE, 12.5 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24173
School Monitor - WN, 12.5 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #23106
Food Service Helper - CR, 21.25 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24189
Food Service Helper - EV, 15 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24184
Food Service Helper - WN, 15 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24158
Bus Attendant, 7 positions - CBG, 20 hours per week, 10 months, Vacancy #24016, #24017, #24037, #24065, #24105, #24121, #24135
Qualified candidates should apply in writing on or before March 19, 2025
Corning-Painted Post School District
Personnel Services
165 Charles Street
Painted Post, NY 14870
Kerry A. Elsasser
Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services
Corning-Painted Post Area School District
165 Charles Street
Painted Post, NY 14870-1199
FAX: 607-654-2725
*** If interested in SUBSTITUTE work, please see Substitute Staff web page for additional forms needed to complete the Substitute Staff application.
In accordance with New York State Education Laws, you will need to be fingerprinted for guest staff services in the Corning-Painted Post Area School District. The fee for fingerprinting is $102.00 (Cash payment is NOT accepted). HR will provide this information.
Building Abbreviation Key:
CO | Central Office (PPS-Pupil Personnel Services, INS-Instructional Services) |
CR | Carder Elementary |
CS | Calvin Smith Elementary |
EV | Erwin Valley Elementary |
GR | Gregg Elementary |
SE | Severn Elementary |
WN | Winfield Elementary |
MS | Middle School |
HS | High School |
HSLC | High School Learning Center |