Graduation pictures

Congratulations, CPPHS Class of 2024! 

Our Tesserae yearbook photographers are providing more than 2,500 images to you and your families atā€” they're now available for download!

Please note the following partial index of last names to help you navigate the more than 2,000 photos and portraits of the presentation of diplomas and the students' "victory lap" walk back to their seats.  Use these file numbers, alphabetical by last name, to more quickly find your student: 

Abbate: 136.jpg

Cho: 436.jpg

Gensel: 762.jpg

Jake: 1023.jpg

Maisuria: 1223.jpg

Murphy: 1442.jpg

Reppert: 1654.jpg

Simons: 1904.jpg

Tong: 2168.jpg

Wieland: 2315.jpg

Remember that after receiving their diploma on stage, more photographs of your student were taken around the Fieldhouse. Look in the photos just after your student received their diploma for additional pictures. Please note, we will not be uploading additional images after this initial release. 

We'd like to offer a special thank-you to our seven student photographers and the five CPPtv students who livestreamed the 2024 graduation ceremony for our community. 

Congratulations once again, Hawks ā€” we're proud of you, our Class of 2024! 

-Mr. Simons, Tesserae Advisor