CPPMS Book Party

Students at CPP Middle School celebrated the completion of an interdisciplinary project combining Science, ELA, Library, and Art skills to create a book about Living Things. Teacher Ms. Wheeler said, “We published the book using Studentreasures Publishing and celebrated our students' achievement with a CPPMS Book Party on Friday!”

Videos of the students reading their section of the book were played for the audience in attendance at the CPPMS Library. The video was produced by Ms. Carozza and one of her Good Morning Hawks editors, Ava. Each student also received a certificate of recognition from teachers Ms. Wheeler, Ms. Powell and Ms. Dollard.  

Ms. Wheeler added, “We will be donating copies of the book to both the CPPMS Library and Southeast Steuben County Public Library for circulation.”

Kayla Crane, a representative from the Southeast Steuben Public Library, attended and was provided copies of the books that were also signed by the students. 

“It takes quite a team to accomplish this project,” said Ms. Wheeler. “Ms. Cornell helped our students get started with the research, Ms. Schmieg joined us for extra reading and writing support, and Mr. Farwell and Ms. Fabian helped the students produce their amazing artwork. We also were able to purchase books at different reading levels to use for our research thanks to a grant from the Corning Hawks Education Foundation,” she said.

Way to go CPPMS Hawks!