Incoming Freshman Family Orientation Night!
7 months ago, CPP Area School District
Freshman Oritentation Night
Science Fair resources! (Scan the code to access resources!)
7 months ago, CPP Area School District
Science Fair
CPPMS Drama Club presents...
7 months ago, CPP Area School District
CPPMS Drama Club
Transportation Department Job Fair
7 months ago, CPP Area School District
Ignite the Imagination Student Exhibition, at the Rockwell Museum This student exhibition program at The Rockwell is in collaboration with the Corning-Painted Post High School art teachers: Wendy Brubaker, Maria Goldwyn, Sharron Holland, Birgitt Wolf Peterson and Megan Wukovitz. The Rockwell Museum values collaborating with CPPHS to cultivate a deeper appreciation and understanding of arts and culture with the students in our region. By exposing students to the arts and providing an opportunity for students to create and exhibit their own art at The Rockwell, we aim to inspire and empower the next generation of youth. 210 students from 11 art classes visited The Rockwell last fall. Students were prompted to explore the galleries, look closely and examine the diverse works on view. They considered how art reflects and connects to history, culture and our shared human experiences. They also looked at media and studied how the different works of art were made. Students were encouraged to think outside the box to thoughtfully incorporate aspects of artwork in the Museum’s collection into their own unique, expressive ideas. Click on the link to learn more or stop by the museum to see the student work! #TogetherAsOne The Rockwell Museum
7 months ago, CPP Area School District
Incoming Freshman Family Orientation Night is Tuesday, March 26th from 6:30-7:30 pm in the CPPHS Theater
7 months ago, CPP Area School District
HSLC graduation will be Thursday, February 15th at 5:30 pm in the Triangle Lounge at CCC
7 months ago, CPP Area School District
A few weeks ago we debuted a video feature about our High School Learning Center. Here is a second version of the video to share!
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
During the month of January, Miss Sue from the Southeast Steuben County Library has been visiting library classes at Calvin U. Smith and William E. Severn Elementary Schools to share upcoming winter programs and Winter Reading 2024 where students read to win using a Bookopoly board! In the primary classes, Miss Sue is reading to students using different ways to share a story. She told stories while cutting a snowflake and another adding items to a felt board. With the older groups, she is providing book talks to encourage students to borrow books. This is such a fun time to visit the public library to check out books, make a craft, use the space maker and do STEM projects! Thanks, Miss Sue, for sharing your awesomeness with our students! Now let’s share our awesomeness with her by visiting our wonderful public library and joining in the fun at the Southeast Steuben County Library! For more information: Thank you to Severn Elementary Librarian Mrs. Jennifer Taylor for this story!
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
The Corning-Painted Post Area School District Transportation Department is transporting our future! The CPP Transportation Department is hosting a Job Fair on Saturday, February 3rd from 9 to noon at the CPP Transportation Department Building located at 2666 Goff Road in Corning. Becoming a member of the CPP Transportation Department provides you an opportunity to make a difference and support students and families across our school district. CPP Transportation is seeking candidates for Bus Driver and Bus Attendant positions. You’ll be able to meet with transportation staff, ask questions and even apply for positions right at the job fair. Come and learn about our pay, benefits, hours and training program!
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
The High School Learning Center: A Fresh Start - watch our video here:
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
Visit our Science Fair web page for information on the fair and a registration link
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
Looking toward the future at Career Day The 11th annual Sophomore Career Day will be held at Corning Community College on Tuesday, January 9th. Goals of the event are to build career awareness, expose students to new career ideas where there is a future need, provide students with ideas for possible career shadows and exploration and exposure to a college campus. Career Day is sponsored by the Career Development Council, Corning Community College and CPPHS. Approximately 375 sophomores from CPPHS and Corning Christian Academy have pre-selected three career topics that they will learn about during 30-minute presentations at Career Day. Approximately 45 local business professionals will be participating, representing a variety of career topics including law enforcement, cosmetology, engineering, medical, trades, law, education and journalism.
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
Corning Hawks Green Out! To support the St. Baldrick's Foundation.
8 months ago, Corning Hawks
Green Out
2024 Science Fair Registration Information
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
The Corning – Painted Post School District has successfully completed the inspection of all schools and buildings in accordance with asbestos laws and is in full compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. For details or to obtain a copy of the management plan, contact Bill Pierce, Assistant Superintendent for School Operations, at (607) 654-2706
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
At the Rockwell - family events!
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
Our Erwin Valley Lions collected over 400 items and $151 for their Food Drive to support the Pantry of Angels in Lindley. Thank you Erwin Valley!
8 months ago, CPP Area School District
Erwin Valley Food Drive